Sunday, May 22, 2016

A few updates

Here is the latest info on our family...

We currently have all 3 kids on antibiotics.  Joy got strep last weekend and will be finishing her meds soon.  Noah had to switch meds because his ear infection came back giving him symptoms that looked like strep, but wasn't.  Turns out, it was probably our fault his symptoms worsened.  We always left Noah's amoxicillin on the counter at room temperature, the way he likes it.  But, he got a different, stronger meds for this round of ear infection and we overlooked it was supposed to be kept in the fridge.  I asked the pharmacist if that would cause it to become ineffective and the answer was a definite, 'yes'.  Big roar, he was almost done with his 10 day course, and had to start all over again.  Annabelle also has an ear infection again so she will likely be getting ear tubes in the coming months too.

Surgery:  Noahs surgery has been reschedule for June 1 in Madison.  Marshfield is reluctantly allowing me to keep a June 16 date on the calendar too, as back-up.  His ear infection should be gone by then, but now he has started coughing, mildly, but still enough to cause concern and not proceed with the procedure.  Please join us in praying him well.  We've been staying home from church and the library gatherings and Noah hasn't been to Madison to visit the Rainbows and childcare kids in weeks.  We are all going a little stir crazy.  Also, I can't plan or schedule any summer events until the surgery happens, so life is literally on hold at the moment.

Annabelle has changed a lot in the last few weeks!  She is getting pretty good at scooting, not crawling, around a room.  She is still slow at it but can get to what she is wants in different parts of the room.  She has also started eating table food.  It took her about a full week to get used to having textures in her mouth, but she likes to eat with us now.  Her appetite has definitely grown in the last 1-2 weeks as well.  My milk supply has dropped again so we are weaning, which brings a lot of mixed feelings for me.  Sleep has been rough for her this whole month because of the ongoing ear infection that didn't fully respond to the first round of medication.  Lastly, that big girl pulled herself up to a stand in her crib this morning after I helped her sit up.

Joy, Annabelle, and I participated in the 1 mile Fun Run at her school on Saturday.  Joy, surprisingly, had very little energy and could barely run for it.  Then she could barely walk and couldn't stop eating after it was finished.  Silly girl!  Her allergies have kicked in a little more in the last few days.  Could allergies make her so tired?  She is really enjoying all the fun days in school lately.  Tomorrow she is heading downtown to the library, a park by the river, and for ice cream.  She can't wait!  And I can't believe there is only two full weeks left of school and then I have an almost 7 yr old, 1st grader in my house, yikes! 

I think that covers all the updates.  Please please help us pray Noah well for his surgery in 10 days.  I'll try to get some pictures and videos posted again soon.
Thanks for checking in!

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