Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Baby update

Wow has time flown by!  We have been so busy getting settled and updating/changing things in the house before baby comes, that I completely forgot to update this blog.  Anyhow, we are all doing well.  We love our house and have adjusted to the area very well.  Life for people/families in general seems less busy, simply because there is less to do here, which we appreciate.  We are trying to get as much done as possible before baby arrives.  At that time, I plan to stop all house related things except for the basic cleaning, cooking, and laundry tasks which seem impossible even with new babies.  Joy has enjoyed two weeks of half day camps, one craft week and one culinary week.  Both kids have dabbled a bit in gymnasics.  We've been to mulitple parks, the library, children's museum, farmers market, beach, etc multiple times.  I've connected with a MOPS group that we've enjoyed two group play dates with.  So, our life continues to keep rolling along.
Danny is enjoying his job as well.  He is very happy at SentryWorld.  The people he works with are great, especially since he got to hire his buddy, Joe, who worked for him in Madison too.  Joe and his family will hopefully be moving to Stevens Point too.
We have not found a church we are ready to call home yet.  We found one we kind-of like, and have been to a couple times.  There are a few other churches we want to visit still before we 'decide'.  Nothing has stood out to us yet.
Lastly, but most exciting, is our family and doctors have decided I will be having a c section on 8/3. Our baby girl will enter this world in less than two weeks.  Crazy!  I've dug out most of our baby items at this point and her room is painted, as is Noah and Joy's rooms, thanks to help from my parents.  Thankfully my mom has summers off, so her and my dad will be spending a lot of time with us after the baby is born so I can heal without having to chase 2 other kids around.  Deciding on a c section was very difficult for me.  I really wanted to try VBAC in hopes of having a better birth experience than I did with Joy.  But, the risks, in my case, are too high and not worth it.  We had an ultrasound to determine the size of our little girl and the results came back at 7.5 pounds at 36 weeks.  That puts her 1 week ahead, which is still less than her ginormous brother was.  We are all very excited to meet her!!

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