Monday, April 20, 2015


We have checked one more thing off our 'To Do' List.  We got a minivan, pre-owned, to fit our expanding family.  The kids love to play in it and I'm quickly getting the hang of driving it.  Now we just need a sticker family for the back window and it's a legit mom-mobile.  We traded in the old and tired Kia Spectra and kept the Mazda 5.  Now, Danny can drive a vehicle he actually fits in, even if his drive to work is now only 3 miles instead of 15 to 50.  Plus, the Mazda will also allow us to transport 3 kids if the van is out of commission.  Joy and I have named her 'Pearl' because the color is pearl silver.  However, the color seems to change depending on the light.  Here she is...

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