Saturday, July 12, 2014

Summer Church Programs

Joy has lived through two weeks of summer church related programs, much to her dismay.  She attended Vacation Bible School at Mt Olive Lutheran Church, where her Rainbow grandparents are members.  The week started out rough, but she ended on a high note and asks almost daily to go back.  She also just completed a week of Bible Soccer Camp at her school.  It also started rough, but ended great and she can't wait to attend next summer.  I describe it as rough because she is still having a lot of anxiety when Danny or I are not right by her side.  Thankfully, it was short lived this week.  Having friends from her PreK class at school helped this week go more smoothly.  And I have to say, seeing her run around on the soccer field was absolutely adorable.  She was smiling from ear to ear, even if she didn't get to kick the ball.  Below is a video of Joy, and Noah, singing and dancing to the songs from VBS at Mt Olive.

We also discovered Noah is pretty good at putting.  Between watching his dad and watching golf on TV, he has putting figured out.  He lines up, pulls back, and hits without moving his feet.  The last step about his feet especially impressed his dad.  Apparantly, one of the most challenging things for kids under age 4 to grasp, is keeping their feet still while putting.  Noah is a Golf Pro in the making!  Video evidence is below.

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