Sunday, March 17, 2013

Winter continues, but we're having fun!

Hello from the Rainbows on St Pat's Day!  The kids are growing and keeping busy.  We are soaking up our last few Saturdays with dad before his 6 day weeks start, whenever the weather warms up.  Joy has been really sweet lately and very interested in playing with her babies/stuffed toys.  There are two younger kids that go to our larger church body whom she has named her babies after.  She will spend hours reading them books, putting them to bed, taking them for walks in her stroller, etc.  This baby play has re-emerged since we started taking care of a 6 month old twice a week.  Joy has one swim class left and the experience has been very positive and fun for her.  Lastly, Joy is going to start preschool this fall.  We got to visit last week.  She has been talking about it ever since and was tearful the rest of the evening because she didn't want to wait until her birthday to start preschool.
Noah continues to be a bundle of fun.  He isn't talking much outside of: mama, dada, ge (Joy), key (kitty), and eeee (eat).  He also just started walking by holding onto just one of our hands or with push toys.  He is so proud of himself.  He turns 1 in just 1.5 weeks!  I can't believe it.  We are having a small celebration with family, balloons, and cake over Easter weekend for him.  Below are some clips of the fun we've been having despite the continued cold weather (which isn't all bad since that means we get to see more of dad).  :)

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