Hi. We have all been enjoying a less humid week after last week's hot and HUMID weather. We even attended a kid's concert mid-week where one of the musicians played a guitar. Joy talked about it often for the next 24 hours which prompted Danny to bring out his guitar again. She was so excited and danced her heart out. She has been requesting it a lot lately. She innocently called the guitar pick 'money' at first, which took us awhile to figure out, but now we are all clear on what everything is labeled. We worked Monday-Thursday this week. So we are enjoying a 4 day weekend! Yesterday we took Angel, our cat, to the vet to learn that she has diabetes. We have chosen not to give her the recommended 2 insulin shots per day. Instead, we will adjust her diet and enjoy the time she has left with us. :( We have had a couple play dates with our friends the last two mornings which may have been over-stimulating for Joy because she has had a really hard time falling asleep for her nap the last two days. Lastly, we are preparing to switch Joy to a regular single bed soon. We went shopping for a new mattress for her last night and man did she work it. She kept making statements about random things in the furniture store, like "That's cute" or "Ohh, I like that." Danny and I couldn't stop laughing. This girl loves to shop! I just hope it is a phase and she will become more balanced over time.
Below is a video of Joy dancing to Danny playing his guitar. Enjoy!
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