Monday, April 4, 2011

Krafve Visit

We were blessed with visitors over the weekend. My parents and Jenni and Aaron came to visit us. We had a great time together and Joy loved the extra attention. One of our best memories of the weekend was when Uncle Aaron was teaching Joy to label her elbow. She couldn't quite pronounce it right, so she reverted to a word she knows really well, "Elmo". Then, whenever she wanted his attention the rest of the day, she would call him 'Elmo'. So, Aaron received a new nickname from his 18 month old niece. :) My family also helped us transport a wood swing set from a friends place. Joy is very excited about it and asks to swing constantly now. It sounds like we will be able to get outside to use it more towards the end of the week when it hits temps in the 60's!! This is a pretty normal week for us. We are looking forward to visit from Joy's aunt Sarah this coming weekend! Have a great week!

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