Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Written at the end of last week...
Joy and I are back in the swing of working again. The baby we are spending time with is a really good baby and a joy to be around. Joy has become increasingly interested in her own baby dolls since we started working for this family. She is a busy little mama. We add the baby's older 3 yr old sister to our little group towards the end of the day. Joy greatly enjoys her company as well.
Joy learned how to say and do the sign for touchdown last weekend. I'm sure you can guess what dad was watching on TV. We grabbed the camera a little late because I decided to record her doing it as dad entered the room with her favorite meal, pizza. At least she entertained us once more before she ate.
Her language is developing great! It is so nice to have her ask for things she needs/ wants rather than yell about it. She said her first sentence today. We always halfway joke with her when she puts doll pacifiers in her mouth. She found one at work today, put it in her mouth and mostly said what we say to her, "No, that's for the baby."
Joy and I are looking forward to a 4 day weekend that will include play dates with friends and extra time with dad. She has been especially excited about seeing dad return home from work these days.
Speaking of work, Danny's new position is going great. He is busy, but enjoying it. We also invested in a new 2010 Mazda 5 at the end of December. It is a mini, mini van. It can transport 6 people if no trunk space is needed. We had to upgrade because I need to be able to transport 3 kids for work, and we need more space when we travel with Joy.
I apologize we are unable to share videos we have of Joy. Youtube is not working for me so I have passed that problem onto Danny to solve.
We pray that God richly blesses your new year!

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