Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Our First Blog

Welcome to our blog! We are playing around getting things set up right now. We hope to start making more posts soon. We have to test out the video feature of course... and it was taking forever. So we will try that again later. Here are a few pictures of our precious little girl, Joy, who is already 9 1/2 months old.

Daddy needed to do some baby proofing now that joy can crawl. Here she is giving him a little help.

Her first word was 'hi'. Now she says 'bye' and waves too. She also takes her Elmo by the hand and helps him to say bye and wave.

We are looking forward to the 4th of July. We plan to go north to spend some time with the Krafve family. We hope to have more recent photos to share with you from our trip.

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