It's a new year and hopefully far less eventful for our family than 2015. Annabelle is growing a lot. Our 5.5 month old baby is in 9 month clothes, moving into some 12 month already. She started sitting at the end of December. She also started eating baby food this past week. She still eats once a night and wakes multiple times for her the pacifier - we're tired. But, we call her our 'Happy Annie' because she rewards us with soooo many smiles. Her snuggles are really sweet too. Joy and Noah both adore her still.
Joy is finally in a good place again with school. All of November and December she was a wreck, to put it lightly, every morning until she got on the bus. A few behavior charts later, that resulted in her feeling successful, and lots of prayer, have worked their magic and she is a happy, healthy, loving life 6 yr old again. Whew! Her complaint was that the school day is too long and she missed us so much. These feelings resulted in nightly wild meltdowns and severe anxiety in the mornings. I can't say how thankful I am to be in this good place with her again.
Noah misses Joy when she is at school. He often says he wants Joy to be home, which makes me sad for him. I do my best to play with him and we stay busy, but I'm just not the same kind of fun as his sister. Both Noah and Joy have joined AWANA at church (We finally found a church home in December!). Both kids have memory work to complete each week. I wasn't sure Noah could do it, but he surprised me. We're hoping his speech becomes more clear with age, as you'll observe in the video, he is difficult to understand sometimes. I blame that on the use of his thumb to soothe himself. And, he will be turning 4 at the end of March. He's making all kinds of birthday plans already, almost daily.
Danny is still SOOOOO happy at his job. It is a dream come true and a huge blessing from God. EventPro360 continues to gain success as well with appx 150 facilities using it, there are a few international facilities enrolled as well. Danny's legacy continues, anything he touches works and is successful!
As far as I go, I'm tired but in love with my kids. I have moments that could use improvement, usually related to the amount of patience I am lacking. But, overall, I feel like I'm cruising through this life and am so blessed. I look forward to things to come some days, but try to live in the moment. I've made several new mommy friends in Stevens Point and feel accepted. MOPS has been a huge help getting to know this community. School has also opened many doors to meet neighbors and other friends too.
Enjoy the videos of the kiddos below...