Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Noah is 6 months old

Noah is 6 months old already.  We can hardly believe it!!  His personality is shining through and we adore him!  He is very snugly baby, giving hugs and resting his head on our shoulder often.  He also remains a big boy with a few rolls, as you'll see below.  He's already 20 lbs and wearing 12 month clothing.  He really enjoys watching our cat, Angel.  If he is having a crabby moment, which doesn't happen very often, he starts smiling as soon as he sees her.  He also enjoys: sitting while playing with toys, jumping, playing peek-a-boo, bath time, and watching his sister.  He continues to be a great sleeper, with a few hiccups here and there now that he is getting teeth.  His first two bottom teeth are in and the doctor said the top two will be here soon.  Mama's not too excited about teeth.  He had his first double ear infection with a cold a few weeks ago, but has recovered.  I can't get enough of this little guy.  I often thank God for letting me stay home and soak in this time with him and Joy.  Enjoy his pictures and video below.

Joy is 3!

Well, it's been a month already, but Joy turned 3 on September 12!  She is a pretty amazing little girl.  If she is comfortable around you, she will talk nonstop and tell you everything you did, or did not, want to hear.  She loves her little brother, a little too much sometimes.  :)  Her favorite things include: hiking, visiting her grandparents and the kids at Grandma Rainbow's childcare, playing with her baby dolls, baking, board/card games, and reading/looking at books.  Right now, if we had to guess, Danny and I think she will someday be a Broadway or Movie star.  She loves to watch videos and have books read to her, which is almost always followed by her acting out what she just watched/read.  Danny often gets drug into the pretend play and has to play a role in her scenario.  He's a much better sport about it than I am.  Joy's most recent, great accomplishment is giving up her pacifier.  The timing was finally right and she rose to the occasion.  God surrounded her with angels during this transition because I never expected her to do so well.  She shed only one tear the first night, but was excited to earn her 'BIG' cupcake for working hard to sleep that night.  She made it from 8:30 to 7:15 AM!  And, now we are past the rewards and she is doing fine.  She is so proud and has told everyone what a big girl she has been.  We continue to praise her for being so brave and working so hard.
Below is her 3 yr old pictures and a video capturing her during the month of September.